Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 15 Course Reflection

a.Coming into this course, what was your level of tech skill? (remember the first week, where we rated ourselves on a 1-10 scale?) Did you find it easy to adapt to the ways we used technology in this class? What was difficult for you? What was easy?
Before this course I was a 6 in tech skills. It was easy to adapt to the tools being presented.  None of them required high a high level of computer knowledge  only patience to do trail and error. The XTRANORMAL video was difficult because of the 2 minute time requirement and the delayed reaction of the characters.  The concept was nice but I didn't enjoy it. The Growing Up Online, was an easy assignment. I never thought of the effects cyber bullying could cause. 
b. What have been your favorite activity/assignment in class so far and why?
I enjoyed creating the blog and watching it develop. I liked how it came together. After the assignment of evaluating a classmates blog. I decided to change the fonts and backgrounds. I like all of the designs available  There were so many ti choose from. 
c. Do you think you can easily incorporate your tech knowledge and skills into your role as a teacher?
Yes, I plan to use some of the programs and tools discussed in the class in the future. I will need to be creative and open-minded and the possibilities are endless.
d. Out of all the tools we've  learned about so far this semester, which ones do you see using the most frequently as a teacher?
I plan to use the presentation software prezi and google presentation. I also plan to use wordle as a fun way to do ordinary classroom tasks, such as vocabulary list, definitions, story summaries ect.
e. As we approach finals week, what do you want to know MORE about in Ed Tech? What are you still curious about?
I'm not a big technology person. I can do the basics, but catch on quickly. I like all of the tools presented in this class and think all of them are useful because they can be used in different ways for different ages.
f. Do you think your level of tech skill/knowledge has increased so far this semester? If so, how?
Yes,because I"m curious to know what other tools are out there. This class opened my eyes to free resources that can be designed for my specific use.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Lesson Plan Supplemental Materials

The children will look for 2D and 3D shapes throughout the day. Teacher will remind them to think of new ways shapes can be used. (While walking in hallway, on the playground, during lunch etc.) Once back inside the room, children will then discuss they ways shapes are used and learn names for shapes. (Ex. Stop signs are octagons, soda cans are cylinders etc.) The class (as a large group) will then list ways shapes can be used. A small group (3 or 4 children) will work together to design blue prints for a structure. Then use recycled items to build the structure.

This is a Prezi that will be used to help introduce "shape terms" to the children. It will help children think of ways shapes can be used and build inquiry to the world around them.

One of the activities planned was to create a poem about a shape. Readwritethink allows the children to choose a shape then write a poem about the shape of their choice.

The children will use wordle to complete word clouds about shapes. They can use the poems they made or use news words (2-D and 3-D shape.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Pinterest in the Classroom

1. What did you learn from the PINTEREST activity?
That there are lots of ways to share ideas. There are pages for almost any area you can think of. If your willing to spend a little time searching you'll eventually find an answer.

2. How do you think you will utilize PINTEREST as a teacher?
I will continue to look on the site for inspiration. I liked a couple of ( second and third grade) pages I hope to use soon. I am currently following three preschool pages and I'm excited about the upcoming activities I have scheduled.

3. What are the strengths of PINTEREST?
All of the wonderful ideas that are easily accessible is a strength. You can find anything your looking for regardless of your interest. Topics vary from cooking, to fashion, to fitness as well as education.

4. What are some of the challenges of PINTEREST?
With countless areas of interest available. It can be time consuming to find exactly what your searching for. This activity was relatively simple but I sent hours making sure I had the right activities pinned for the grade I hope to teach.    

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Growing Up Online

"Growing Up Online" shares the stories of teenagers who are active users of online sites. The special begins by showing all of the ways children interact with the internet; playing games online, looking at videos, updating social media pages and making friends. Online sites are now an extension of the teens personal lives and a lot of information is shared. It allows kids a place to be "themselves" away for their parents. Users have online competitions to see who can get the most friends. They also use pages to "fight" instead of talking to one another. Things that are shared online that they wouldn't normally do. Teachers should become more entertaining and capture the attention of his or her students, instead of having lecture based learning.

1. A survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that in 2004, 67 percent of parents said the Internet has been a good thing for their children. However, this number decreased to 59 percent in 2006. Why do you think the number of parents who reported the Internet being a good thing for their children has decreased? In 2004 the way people interacted with the internet changed. The internet was no longer a means of communication for business people but it was now used by most of the American society on a daily basis. I believe social media sites are part of the reason parents feel differently about the internet. With pages like YouTube and Facebook it is easy to lose track of time and become completely engrossed in your activity of choice. It is also easy for children to become distracted while they should be doing more important things. As soon as I sit down in front of a computer the first thing I do is long into Facebook. I could be typing a lesson plan for work or a paper for English, but I’m can’t focus on the task I should be completing until I check my new feed.

2.        More teachers are using tools to try to detect cheating or deter students’ inclination to cheat. In the program, we see the use of plagiarism-detection tools like and writing assignments completed during class time to make sure students do their own work and generate their own ideas. In terms of student writing, what are some different types of "cheating"? What are the elements you would include in your definition of "cheating"? The only tool I’m aware of that aids in “cheating” are cliff notes; which students can use instead of reading the entire story. I personal don’t consider them cheating.  I believe the current definition of cheating is accurate. However, I would include using the work of someone else and not citing the work of the original producer.  

3.        One student claims he "never reads books" but relies on summaries and annotated notes he finds on Web sites. He confesses that he feels guilty about this, stating, "I feel like I kind of cheated it." Should he feel guilty? Why or why not? No, i don't believe he should feel guilty for reading the cliff notes. I don’t believe reading cliff notes instead of the entire story is cheating, but it isn't always the best decision. Many of the stories that have annotated summaries are hundreds of years old and are difficult to understand. If a student relays only on cliff notes they may miss small details a teacher may include.  I’m extremely grateful they existed when I was reading Hamlet and Of Mice and Men.

4.       Before the Internet, in order to be seen by the world, you had to be portrayed in some form of mass media, and you had to be famous in some respect -- in the news, in politics or as a celebrity. Now anyone can be seen online by anyone else in the world. Some people have become famous for videos or photos they’ve posted (such as Autumn Edows). What are the positive and negative consequences of blurring the line between being a celebrity and a regular person? It’s easy to find inspiration and become a role model. Another positive consequence is possibly a gain in self esteem. A negative effect of being "internet famous" is many people don’t respect your privacy and are often treated inhumanly. All of your mistakes are pubic and easily accessible to the entire nation and people are ridiculously harsh on you. Details that are usually kept private and shared with family are available to everyone with access to the internet.  

5.        Shows like "To Catch a Predator" on Dateline NBC contribute to parental anxiety about online media. What elements of this FRONTLINE program are likely to increase parents’ fears? What elements of the program might be reassuring? Parent’s fears are increased by how easy it is for predators to pretend to be someone else and the numerous ways they can interact with children.  Children also put themselves into more danger my pretending to be older than they are, and putting in false birthdays to have access to email accounts and sites such as Facebook. I feel parents are by how quickly predators will meet with people they know are under aged. Most predators will expose children to activities they are too young to engage in such as drinking, and drugs. It’s reassuring for parents to see predators caught by the police.

6.       Teasing, lying, gossiping, threatening, spreading rumors or harassing online (and offline)can severely affect people’s self-concept and self-esteem and have an impact on their emotional state. In the program, we see one girl who describes flirting with boys and then revealing she was just kidding. She explains: "You wouldn’t do that to someone’s face, but online is completely different. ... No one can do anything. You’re at your house, they’r e at their house." What are some of the short- and longer-term consequences of this behavior for life online and in the real world? Their self image can be severely damaged.Building someones confidence then quickly destroying it is extremely harsh.  I feel it is wrong regardless of how the act is done. Interacting over the internet is "safer" than doing something like that in person. A long term effect could possible be getting labeled as a tease or even getting harmed for playing with someone's emotions. Loosing friends may be a short term effect. 

7.       At the end of the program, Greg decides it’s time for him to "disconnect" by going to the Coast Guard Academy, where he will spend seven weeks without cell phones or the Internet. Have you ever thought about "disconnecting" from it all? Do you think it would be easy or difficult? What would you enjoy or dislike about disconnecting? Yes, I’ve disconnected from Facebook several times. The constant complaining, nagging, and drama can become annoying and too much to handle. My disconnect, from Facebook, didn’t last long, maybe for three days. After reactivating my page I decided to delete the people who always share to much info. Constantly seeing the complaints and problems of others wasn’t something I wanted to deal with anymore.  I quickly went from around 350 friends to 270. I haven’t ever given up my phone I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t have a phone for an extended period of time. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

ORC Lesson Plan

'Here there everywhere"
This is a second grade math class lesson. Students will be given the opportunity to explore patterns in various types of ways. Children will point of patterns heard in books, look for patterns on snake skin and even create their own patterns while making fruit kabobs.

This activity is designed to meet standards for mathematical practice. (CCSS.Math.Practice.MP8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.) Children will interact in the activities listed above by creating and extending patterns then describing the rule used. In all of the activities children will be provided a chance to explore materials then explain their choices.

I would follow the plans idea and include patterns and have patterns included throughout the day. I would introduce the lesson by drawing their attention to a patterned necklace I was wearing. We would then look at pictures of snake skin then draw the patterns we saw. We would then read a story whose words were repetitive and recite the parts together.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Assistive Technology for students with Vision Impairments

Visual Impairments An article in Kids Health states that, “The American Foundation for the Blind estimates that 10 million people in the United States are visually impaired.” The term visual impairments is used to describe all kinds of vision loss. The loss may be total or partial. Vision can often be restored completely by glasses, contacts or surgery. Vision loss occurs when there is a failure in communication between the brain and optic nerve, which makes vision impossible. Visual impairment could possibly impact the common order of learning in social, motor, language and cognitive developmental areas. Reduced vision often results in a low motivation to explore the surrounding environment. Vision impairments often affect a child’s ability to read as well as write, because it is hard to learn information you can’t easily see. Children may be hesitant to interact and be social because of a need for glasses and other children may make fun of them. Students may be socially immature and less assertive than others. (1) The SmartView Graduate Portable Video Magnifier is a tool that can take a snapshot of images and store them easily for later use. The SmartView is ideally suited for those who need to see things on their desk as well as across the room. This device can help students see things clearly, provide snapshots of images and has ability to magnify handouts and papers on your desk, or bring the blackboard, whiteboard, overhead presentation or speaker from across the room closer. Intel Reader is another device for the visually impaired. It aids independence for people with visual impairments, blindness, or reading disabilities by providing convenient and flexible access to a variety of printed materials. A picture is taken of the reading material; it is then converted into digital text, and then is read aloud. I believe assistive technology will continue to develop. Most of the devices I saw while researching we large and not easily portable. I think more devices will become easily accessible for transportation. I also think combining both of the devices I discussed would be helpful. A student can enlarge a file but also have it read aloud to them if need be. Citation: 1) 2) 3)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

My xtranormal video

I choose this scenario because it was the most realistic to being a realistic teacher. A student may arrive early because of their parents work schedule. Some students may be shy so I choose to break the ice by asking the student about herself.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Pipl Search

I was extremely disturbed with the results of my pipl search. My name was the first name on the results list. 42 other Tomeka McCoy’s were found. 21 provided contact information. I was found on 13 pages, 2 locations and 5 possible relatives. I feel the information compromised my safety. It provides my street address and home phone number. I realized some information was public, but I didn't realize ordinary people could easily access my personal information online. When viewing the pipl search it was more disturbing someone could pay 95 cents to receive your background information. Another website offered a street view of my home and provided the name of the road, but didn't provide the street address. On the last site I visited a virtual record on me could be obtained for free, on a seven day trail. Yes my online presence is much larger than I thought it was. I realize the way I spell my name is unique but I thought I was more protected than I actually am. My biggest problem is how is it possible to put a price on someone personal information without their knowledge of it?

Ohio DL Schools

If I had to choose an online school for my child to attend based on the website, I’d choose Connections Academy. The website was very user friendly and easy to follow. Tabs were across the top helping users navigate the site; our program, curriculum, technology, proven results, information session and news. The curriculum is broken down into elementary, middle school and high school. Gifted and honors classes are available at this location and weren’t listed on the pages of any other locations. I also choose Connections Academy because of the sample lessons they provided very thorough instructions for parent. The sample plans includes the list of materials that will be needed, warm-up activities, the skills that will be developed, and a list of questions to guide learning and critical thinking. It also tells you what is expected of a parent upfront. Connections Academy offers resources for their students. Print textbooks, lesson plans and workbooks are some of the materials available. Virtual Community Schools of Ohio was my least the website. I feel the school wasn’t truly invested into their students due to the lack of information provided about the school and its programs. The page doesn’t offer any information about the curriculum and that is extremely important to me as a future teacher.

I really enjoyed using The site is simple to use and has lots of options to choose from. I was surprised to the see all of the themes options. has themes ranging from romance to zombies to nature. I love editing pictures and hadn’t heard of the site, I plan to keep using it.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Teaching Presentation/powerpoint

This presentation would be shared with parents of my future children. It would be used to introduce myself as their child's teacher. I enjoy working with young children, but would prefer an elementary school setting. First grade would be ideal, but I would take a position for kindergarten through third grade.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Creating the drawing was easy over all once we figured out how the program worked. One thing that was difficult was choosing a way to explain the topic, but once we figured out the correct definition we quickly begin adding the appropriate drawings and captain. I was very pleased with the end result, it looks well put together; although we only spent 20 minutes on it.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Typing Result Test

Words Per Minute Test Words Per Minute Test Your Typing Speed is 15 Words Per Minute. You typed 3 incorrect words. Your gross typing speed is 18 words per minute. Your accuracy is 83%.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Three Great Teacher Blogs

The Lesson Cloud

The “lesson cloud” is a tool to help teachers plan of upcoming holidays and ideas that can be used in the classroom daily. I feel this blogs is important because it gives teachers practical ideas that can be carried out with little work. The ideas on the page are in great detail, pictures are provided of how they activity actually worked out, so you know what variations need to be made to best support your students.


An Open Door

I chose this blog because in my experiences many teachers like to keep their ideas to themselves instead of sharing ideas with others. Sharing positive experiences are very important; many people are quick to point out the “downfalls” of being teacher. It is great to see someone sharing their passion with others.   Also when doors are left open for children to explore and grow freely the possibilities are endless for children.


Rebuilding A Teacher

I chose this blog because you can quickly “burnout” if you lose your purpose and joy for teaching. Many teachers experience it at some point in their career and it’s important to know that feeling is natural. Instead of leaving things as they are, make changes and start fresh. This teacher shares her journey of erasing old habits and ways of thought to help her children get the most of their time with her.

Welcome To My Blog

My name is Tomeka McCoy. I moved to Columbus in January of 2011, from South Carolina. My parents Chris and Sylvia still reside in South Carolina.  I enjoy coaching cheer leading at New Birth Christian Ministries, traveling, and watching Criminal Minds in my spare time. I am currently employed at S&K Children’s Academy as a Pre K teacher. I have worked in the early childhood field since August of 2004. In those eight years I have worked in all areas for a school: including time as an infant teacher, preschool teacher, assistant director and center director.

 I will graduate in the winter of 2013, with an Associate degree in Early Childhood Education. I plan to continue education at College of Charleston to receive a Bachelor’s in Elementary Education. I enjoy working with young children, so I would prefer to teach Kindergarten through third grade. One of my long term goals includes opening a preschool.

My favorite quote is “All great achievements require time” by Maya Angelou. I not only enjoy working with children, but know the importance of optimal childcare. My philosophy for learning is that each child is unique, and each child learns in a different way.