Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 15 Course Reflection

a.Coming into this course, what was your level of tech skill? (remember the first week, where we rated ourselves on a 1-10 scale?) Did you find it easy to adapt to the ways we used technology in this class? What was difficult for you? What was easy?
Before this course I was a 6 in tech skills. It was easy to adapt to the tools being presented.  None of them required high a high level of computer knowledge  only patience to do trail and error. The XTRANORMAL video was difficult because of the 2 minute time requirement and the delayed reaction of the characters.  The concept was nice but I didn't enjoy it. The Growing Up Online, was an easy assignment. I never thought of the effects cyber bullying could cause. 
b. What have been your favorite activity/assignment in class so far and why?
I enjoyed creating the blog and watching it develop. I liked how it came together. After the assignment of evaluating a classmates blog. I decided to change the fonts and backgrounds. I like all of the designs available  There were so many ti choose from. 
c. Do you think you can easily incorporate your tech knowledge and skills into your role as a teacher?
Yes, I plan to use some of the programs and tools discussed in the class in the future. I will need to be creative and open-minded and the possibilities are endless.
d. Out of all the tools we've  learned about so far this semester, which ones do you see using the most frequently as a teacher?
I plan to use the presentation software prezi and google presentation. I also plan to use wordle as a fun way to do ordinary classroom tasks, such as vocabulary list, definitions, story summaries ect.
e. As we approach finals week, what do you want to know MORE about in Ed Tech? What are you still curious about?
I'm not a big technology person. I can do the basics, but catch on quickly. I like all of the tools presented in this class and think all of them are useful because they can be used in different ways for different ages.
f. Do you think your level of tech skill/knowledge has increased so far this semester? If so, how?
Yes,because I"m curious to know what other tools are out there. This class opened my eyes to free resources that can be designed for my specific use.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Lesson Plan Supplemental Materials

The children will look for 2D and 3D shapes throughout the day. Teacher will remind them to think of new ways shapes can be used. (While walking in hallway, on the playground, during lunch etc.) Once back inside the room, children will then discuss they ways shapes are used and learn names for shapes. (Ex. Stop signs are octagons, soda cans are cylinders etc.) The class (as a large group) will then list ways shapes can be used. A small group (3 or 4 children) will work together to design blue prints for a structure. Then use recycled items to build the structure.

This is a Prezi that will be used to help introduce "shape terms" to the children. It will help children think of ways shapes can be used and build inquiry to the world around them.

One of the activities planned was to create a poem about a shape. Readwritethink allows the children to choose a shape then write a poem about the shape of their choice.

The children will use wordle to complete word clouds about shapes. They can use the poems they made or use news words (2-D and 3-D shape.